Jerky Everything
Foolproof and flavorful jerky recipes made from beef, pork, poultry, game, fish, fruit, and even vegetables.
Recent Posts
Preserve Your Jerky: 6 Effortless Methods for Long-lasting Goodness
Maybe you’ve just come across a killer deal on bulk beef that would be perfect for turning into jerky. Perhaps one of your jerky-loving friends…
Discover Why Filet Mignon Is the Ultimate Choice for Beef Jerky
If you look “indulgence” up in the encyclopedia, you’ll find a picture of filet mignon — or, at least, it wouldn’t be surprising if you…
How to Cook Beef Jerky with an Air Fryer
It’s hard to think of a kitchen gadget that’s gotten more fanfare than the air fryer. And beef jerky, of course, is a classic snack…
The Perfect Cut: How to Slice Meat for Beef Jerky
Of all the aspects of jerky-making — choosing high-quality meat, perfecting the seasoning, nailing the drying time — one facet tends to go underappreciated. The…
Succulent Steak Dry Rub Beef Jerky Recipe: Simple & Irresistible
Homemade beef jerky is great to have around, but it’s not something you can quickly whip up every time you get a craving for it….
Beyond the Taste: 5 Surprising Facts About Beef Jerky
It’s tasty, versatile, and easy to eat. And it’s the favorite snack of people around the world. What more is there to know about beef…
Best Food Dehydrator for Beef Jerky (6 Reviewed)
If you’re in a hurry and just want to find out what the best beef jerky for runners is, then we recommend the NESCO FD-75A…
What Is the Average Price of Beef Jerky?
Consuming beef jerky can be an expensive habit. (Click here to find out why jerky is expensive.) This article reviews 15 trending beef jerky products…
Is Your Beef Jerky Still Safe? How to Find Out if It Has Spoiled
I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who didn’t like beef jerky. After all, what’s not to like? You get the protein and the…
Lifespan of Jerky: How Long Can You Expect It to Last?
Although making your homemade jerky has many benefits, there is a drawback — the jerky that comes from your kitchen doesn’t come with an expire-date….
Beef Jerky Masterclass: Cook It Right Every Time
Creating beef jerky at home can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only can you save money compared to purchasing store-bought jerky, but you…
Converting Beef to Jerky: How Much Can You Get from a Single Pound?
If you’re looking to make beef jerky and you buy a pound of beef, you’d expect to get a pound of jerky, right? Well, not…